Shamans of our Center - Peru, Iquitos

Shamans of our Center

From many well-known shamans, we choose those who serve people with the utmost dedication for their best benefit and result.
The role of the shaman in ayahuasca ceremonies is often surrounded by various conjectures. When considering this issue, it should be remembered that the ceremony includes many elements, and the shaman has/performs his/her position/function/role in this act.
The function of the shaman is to create an environment/atmosphere in which healing occurs easily and freely. But the shaman should not interfere in your life path, do the work for you of studying, reviewing and extracting experience from the situation, even if he knows and sees it as "correct".
This, in fact, is the difference and level of a shaman: to remain neutral and impartial, instead of personal attempts to change a person or influence a situation.
A real shaman understands his role as a conductor of Life, whose paths are inscrutable, and which realizes its own "idea" for each person.
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Bima Saldana

Shaman Bima Saldana from Pucallpa is a disciple of the famous shaman Pascual and continues the family healing tradition of the famous Saldana clan.

All who came into contact with him in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies are grateful to him for the selfless work and support that he creates.
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Orlando Gonzalez Saldana

Orlando also belongs to the famous family Mahua. His great-grandfather Manuel Mahua was renowned as one of the most powerful Onánya shaman in the entire history of the Shipibo tribe. Manuel’s daughter Manuela, grandmother to Orlando, is also a well – known living Onánya Maestra. Manuela brought up Orlando from early childhood and opened his first medicine plant dieta at age 7.
From age 24 Orlando underwent serious study with his grandmother, happy to devote himself to becoming a healer amongst his famous shamanic family. Within a short period of time, Orlando became well-known in the Shipibo and western healing communities for his impressive dedication and tireless hard work. ​
Orlando also carries a surprising amount of energetic power for such a young healer. And he is devoted to constantly improving himself, learning about the native plants and healing traditions of other parts of the jungle and other countries. Always with a friendly smile, ready to help, attentive to his patients and friends both in the ceremony and during the day, he is a good friend of the Center and we are happy to present him as an important member of our healing team.
Maestro Shaman of Peru - Guillermo Arevala Valera Cestenbenca

Guillermo Arévalo Valera

Guillermo Arevalo was born November 3, 1952 (Yarinacocha, Peru) - curandero (shaman healer), public figure, popularizer of medicinal plants of the Amazon Selva, head of the treatment center), executive director of the “Institute for the Study and Dissemination of Medical Practices of the Amazon” (IDIMA) and consultant at the Interethnic Association for the Study of Peruvian Selva. His name in the tradition of Shipibo-Conibo - Ketsenbetsa - Echo of the Universe.
Father: Don Benito Arevalo Barbaran, healer of the Shipibo community. Origin - Shipibo and Aymara tribes.
Mother: Dona Maria Valera Teko. Origin - Shipibo tribe.
Currently, he works as a healer at the Spirit of Anaconda center, is a representative of the Shipibo tradition, transmitted through the female line, which includes embroidery, painting on fabric and ceramics.
Guillermo owns a number of publications (brochures, books), such as: “Medicinal plants and their importance for health”, published in Peru. Guillermo's works formed the basis of the book “The Shamanism of the World,” published in Canada together with the anthropologist Bernald Saladin (University of Quebec Canada) Francois Morin (French University of Toulouse).
Guillermo Arevalo is currently making an international tour around the world, continuing to hold Ayahuasca Ceremonies, creating a healing atmosphere for those wishing to wake up and be healed.

He attends conferences and writes books. Guillermo shows that the Harmony and Love that come into the hearts of people is the main evidence of the effectiveness of the unity of the ancient and new perceptions of the world.

Medical plants, the study of which shamans devote their whole lives and whom they consider as their wise teachers, can become true allies for modern people.
Guillermo took part in the filming of the most famous films about Ayahuasca and Shamanism:
- A documentary about the tradition of the Cuibrandeos of the Shipibo tribe “Other Worlds” by Jan Kunen, released in 2000.
- Ian Kunen's feature film "Bluberry", released in 2004. He played the role of an old shaman in the film.

From time to time, we invite other Shipibo Shamans to the Center. Check out our Ayahuasca Retreats and Tours page for more information on the team of healers and other experts working on each program.

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