Preparing for Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Preparing for Ayahuasca Ceremonies

The most important thing in the ayahuasca ceremony is You!

It is up to you to do all the work, using the advantages and opportunities provided by the shaman, the environment and ayahuasca. And, oddly enough, the most important thing you can do is get rid of "yourself". From all expectations, ideas, knowledge, understanding. From all games, goals, tasks, aspirations - from everything that we consider ourselves to be. That is why you are here, to transcend all that is within the mind, gaining access to perception without limitation.

If there is something important to you, you will go to look at it from a broader perspective. In this way, you can discover solutions to issues that seemed unsolvable. If your perception is balanced, the world, life and you as you really are can open up to you. After that, there is no way back, you will not be able to live as before, perceive as before, strive for what you fled to before.

For the first time, life can acquire meaning - a real, calm, measured meaning, because it will be lived that there is no time and death ... You are not a body and not your views and positions, but what - you cannot say or determine - because this does not there will be no limits or dimensions, but you will feel it 200%, without fear, without doubt, without hesitation - for the first time in your conscious life.

Medical Advice

It is necessary that you let us know, in confidence, any known medical conditions and/or use of any medication, at the time of booking. By coming to Peruvian Shelter Center, you are declaring that you are in a physical and mental condition appropriate to partake the consumption of Ayahuasca and stay in the Amazon as described in this website, and agree that you are participating at your own risk and that we cannot and will not accept liability for any accident or injury. You should seek professional medical advice on preparations, including vaccinations, which you may need for the journey to Peru. For more information please contact us and check Medical preparations.


We encourage our you to start adjusting your diet at least two weeks before the retreat yet the sooner the better.  This will clean and prepare your body to enable you to have a deeper and more profound experience with Ayahuasca.

  • Pork and red meat must be fully eliminated two weeks before and after the retreat.  Consuming fish and chicken are fine and it is preferred to find organic/free range meats.
  • Alcohol must be fully eliminated two weeks before or after the retreat. The more time you eliminate alcohol before the retreat will be additionally beneficial as it will allow your body to detox further.
  • Any all all recreational drugs need to be eliminated fully at least 3 weeks before and after the retreat. If not adhered to, one may run the risk of psychological or energetic damage as these pose a serious contraindication with Ayahuasca.
  • It is best to eliminate or heavily cut back on coffee/caffeinated drinks, bleached white flour products, dairy products, fermented products, spicy foods, highly salted & fried foods, processed foods and refined sugars, two weeks before and after the retreat.
  • Consuming some small amounts of healthy salt (ex: pink Himalayan salt) is good to keep in the diet.
  • It is fine to keep some healthy oils and fats in your daily diet such as seeds, nuts, avocado, virgin olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, etc.
  • Recreational cannabis should be eliminated for 2 weeks before and after the retreat to make energetic space for Ayahuasca to work with you.
  • Sexual activity of any kind should be eliminated for one week before and after the retreat.
  • It is best to avoid watching or reading anything with that may contain violence or trauma.

Additional recommendations for Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Mental - Emotional state

In ayahuasca ceremonies, your focus and attitude is very important. We recommend that you start preparing in advance by bringing your mental and emotional state into balance. Finish all the important things, set aside time for walks in nature, contemplation, meditation. Engage in gentle physical activity such as yoga, stretching, swimming. Avoid stressful loads, psycho-emotional stress. Review your daily routine. All this will help you gather energy, fill yourself and your body with attention and prepare you for a new perception of Life, which can be revealed to you in Ayahuasca Ceremonies.
Integration of Ayahuasca Healing

Applying the Experience of Ayahuasca Ceremonies into "Ordinary Life"

Depending on your aspirations and readiness to perceive new knowledge, Ayahuasca ceremonies can open up completely new sides and facets of issues that you face in everyday life. It is essential to use these discoveries and apply new perspectives to create change, improve and empower you.

Stable changes always take time, which is required so that you can painlessly dismantle old, obsolete ideas and create in their place new habits of Life that are more in line with your new perception.

Ayahuasca retreat is a very intense experience, and is not suitable for everyone, but for strong, deeply committed people who are ready to make an effort and do deep, and not always pleasant, work on their Personality (Ego). And it's not so much the process of Ceremonies in the Amazon jungle, where the whole environment contributes to this, but rather what you bring and keep with you in "ordinary Life". And of course this applies to changes - changes that you will certainly want to make. They can concern each and every area of ​​YOUR life - relationships, work or activities, nutrition, activity, place of residence - everything that previously seemed successful and unshakable. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider and not rush - it is better to make decisions and act from a calm, peaceful, balanced state, when you already see and realize the inevitability of changes without a doubt.

An Ayahuasca Retreat can provide a huge, profound impetus to change or move forward in Life and often inspire important decisions for positive change that were not possible before. Also remember that not all people are ready and able to see the need for change and you cannot push them, only become an example. Therefore, create your happy Life slowly, wisely, calmly and always with Love for yourself, your loved ones and those around you!

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