Testimonial Reviews from Guests of our Center


Testimonial Reviews about Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Here we publish testimonial reviews from the Guests of our Center about Ayahuasca Ceremonies, Shamanic Diet, Great Work of the Maestro and the experience of immersion in natural healing by natural plants of the Amazon.
Maxim's review about visiting the Center and the experience of Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Maxim's review about visiting the Center and the experience of Ayahuasca Ceremonies

PERU is teaching, Peru is knowledge, Peru is spiritual freedom. Shamans and their sincerity. Madre Ayahuasca.

Vladimir shares his impressions after returning from the Ayavaska Ceremonies

Vladimir shares his impressions after returning from the Ayavaska Ceremonies

Well what can I say, the trip was worth it) it was the most memorable trip of my life, I greatly expanded my comfort zone and, in general, the scope of the permissible. In general, thanks!

Tatyana shares her experience visiting Peru and Shamanic Center

Tatyana shares her experience visiting Peru and Shamanic Center

I will definitely return to this amazing place ...)

Review of the amazing experience with Ayavaska, Ceremonies and the Process of cognition, Ivan

Review of the amazing experience with Ayavaska, Ceremonies and the Process of cognition, Ivan

Life revealed itself in its Love and Beauty in Ayahuasca Ceremonies. What you should pay attention to in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, what Ayahuasca does, what is the role of the Shaman and what can be revealed through the Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Feedback from a Guest from Canada about Ayahuasca Ceremonies and stay at the Shaman Center

Feedback from a Guest from Canada about Ayahuasca Ceremonies and stay at the Shaman Center

Feedback about your stay in the shamanic Center, about how the ceremonies are held, about the work of the Maestro in the Center, about your feelings during the ceremonies and about your impressions.

Review of Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Peru Trip Experience

Review of Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Peru Trip Experience

Reply from the Guest about how and why it is worth to try the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, what was his experience of Ayahuasca, what was revealed to him and how did it go. How comfortable is the stay in the Center and in the jungle and what he had to go to in Ayahuasca Tour and how the Shaman-maestro and the staff of the Center helped him.

Itala's Review of the Ben Shinan Center, Diet Healing and Ayahuasca

Itala's Review of the Ben Shinan Center, Diet Healing and Ayahuasca


Itala talks about her experience of ayahuasca, how the ceremonies are held, about the work of maestro Guillermo Arevala, about what it brought her and about her impressions.

Ayahuasca Ceremony Experience, Catherine, 28 Years old

Ayahuasca Ceremony Experience, Catherine, 28 Years old

For those who are looking for something new in themselves and the world and are not afraid of long flights, this journey will open new horizons for improving health and internal growth, comparable to several months of active practice and training, and therefore we can safely recommend it to everyone who loves life!

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