Testimonial Reviews from Guests of our Center

Ayahuasca Ceremony Experience, Catherine, 28 Years old

Ayahuasca Ceremony Experience, Catherine, 28 Years old

For those who are looking for something new in themselves and the world and are not afraid of long flights, this journey will open new horizons for improving health and internal growth, comparable to several months of active practice and training, and therefore we can safely recommend it to everyone who loves life!

I visited Peru in 2012. Travels like this are remembered for a lifetime, not only because the journey to shamans in itself is unusual and even to some extent extreme for the average person, but also because it was possible to finally escape from the city bustle and work problems, change environment, as they say. There was an opportunity to stay alone with yourself, which by today's standards is a luxury.

Never before have I experienced such experiences and emotions. Attention and sensitive guardianship, a feeling of complete security were felt throughout the entire stay at the Center. The experience that was obtained within a few days is difficult to describe in words. The nature of the virgin jungle, the singing of birds, the murmur of water - all this had its own unique healing effect on the nervous system, accustomed to stress and tormented by emotions. It was a very deep state of liberation from one’s fears, resentment, pain, and past experiences. To say that a stone fell from the soul will not be enough to describe the true state of affairs at that moment.

This experience was so personal that it does not make sense to describe it in detail for other people. And each of these experiences always makes sense to those who experience it. The feeling of peace and harmony with myself that was felt inside, after five days, inspired me for several months. Especially supported the sense of humor of the shaman Scott, who could instantly encourage in difficult moments, saying just a few words. After the trip, there was a noticeable improvement in health, vigor appeared, digestion and sleep returned to normal. Clean air, healthy and natural nutrition, healing with herbs - these are miracles!

I would like to say separately that the attentiveness and care for me and our entire group was very delicate, which is especially important for people who value and protect personal space. The atmosphere of the center is conducive to private relaxation, when you can completely immerse yourself in your inner sensations without being distracted by the external environment.


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