Церемония Аяваски

Healing with Ayahuasca Ceremonies

The essence of working with Ayahuasca is to have direct experience of your inner world through which the nature of difficulties or problems and the ways to overcome and transform them are clearly visible. The processes in the Ayahuasca ceremony show a broader perspective on the question that a person holds in his perception. And when you see how everything really is, it becomes easier to get rid of everything unnatural, which blocked and impeded the harmonious flow of Life.

Healing is the process of complete purification, and then the perception of how to live your life differently, with a deeper peace, being happier and more balanced within yourself and with the world around you. This is mainly due to being more open with respect to nature, humanity, and ourselves - Life in the Whole.

Purification is one of the steps in Ayahuasca

The initial work is aimed at cleansing and purifying your physical body in order to prepare you for the next steps. The body will be cleansed of toxins, which will improve circulation and metabolism, which will make your immune system stronger. One of the most reasonable expectations is that you almost always have to go through a stage of severe detoxification with significant vomiting and / or diarrhea (hence the name given to Ayavaska in some areas - La Purga). During healing at this level, you may feel sick, weak, pain in certain parts of your body, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, you may get a skin rash, etc. This is how the body cleanses itself.

Then you can move on to deeper emotional and psychological work at the energy level: to clear the mind and body of the negative energy that has been forming over the years, often seeing various emotional traumas and crises in a different light, and from a different point of view. You will often get more understanding of the reasons why you went through various phases (or questions) in your life, both good and bad. Many people discover a greater sense of purpose and destiny in their life through work with Ayahuasca.

The blocks that you carry with you (beliefs of your culture, religion, family, friends, etc.), which may also be associated with physical illnesses, will be removed. Cleansing this part is sometimes more difficult than physical cleansing. This is due to the fact that a person is forced to face his fears, weaknesses, doubts, sadness, anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, etc. ... The process of deliverance occurs through crying, screaming, laughing, waves of sorrow, sadness, anger and just everything and everything.

Part of the healing process is meeting these things (sometimes ayahuasca even activates them, forcing you to deal with them) before you can free them. Sometimes this can lead to a “bad ceremony”, complete darkness. But it’s better to suffer for several hours than to carry this material with you for the rest of your life.

The process of purification does not occur in one ceremony, if you are not ready to release the problem immediately. Sometimes you need to work for several weeks on some issues. Often you peel a particular problem layer by layer, like peeling onions over time. This is because the problem is very deep and it would be too hard for a person to release it quickly.

Expand consciousness, Know Yourself and Meet real Life through Ayahuasca

When the cleansing phase is completed, the learning phase may begin. Learning should be understood as revising the world through an expanded perspective of perception (expanded consciousness). You simply begin to see any question and aspect of Life more holistically.

Blocks prevent us from seeing and understanding things as they are. This applies to our life and everything that we do in the material world, but it also applies to other areas that you can see during altered states of consciousness. When the curtain of blocks dissolves, a person begins to consider the situation with greater depth and completeness, and the causes of the problem become available for adjustment.

Learning can manifest itself in the form of thoughts in the head, the perception of voices, in the form of visions. For each person, this happens differently, because we are all different, and we perceive things in our own way. Some people simply “feel” things, others will “hear” them, while others may “see” them. Sometimes all this is mixed in one message. At the end, incredibly vivid visions can come to you - often showing deep awareness of your life, your place in the Universe, plant and animal worlds, and possibly even showing life in other dimensions and galaxies.

It is important not to have your expectations too high. Best to have no expactations at all! Working with Ayavaska is very difficult, and each ceremony will be very different. It will work with you in a way you would never have imagined, and will never respond to demands. Sometimes, when you are in the process of cleansing and renewing your emotions, your mood may become bad. You must understand that this is all part of the healing process.

It is very important to work with ayahuaska not in a tourist or entertainment context. This medicine should only be offered in a ceremonial, ritual environment with sacred, spiritual, and therapeutic characteristics by trained healers who can guide, protect, and conduct a healing / educational journey for the practitioner. This is necessary in order to safely move into the often intense process of deep introspection, during the living of pleasant and difficult experiences of the whole ceremony.

Visions in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Visions are part of learning. In order to perceive what may be revealed to you in the ceremony, it is necessary to go through the process of purification. Know that you cannot make visions appear by drinking more. You can ask for visions, but be prepared to do the work if necessary.

Visions are really only the periphery of the Work: a deeper healing work takes place at deeper levels, and in your imagination you get understanding and revelation about the world and the universe around you.

Ayavaska is individual for everyone

The Ayahuasca ceremony takes place for everyone according to their own scenario, taking into account all the subtleties and characteristics inherent in man. If purification is necessary on the first place, this is what you get - whether you like it or not. Enhanced perception will come when you are ready.

The beauty of natural medicine is that it works with each person individually, which makes sense. We all have different problems, different talents, different past experiences, we are at different points on our spiritual path. Therefore, it does not make sense to compare Ayahuasca experiences of different people. Attempts to “compete” - who receives the most deep and beautiful visions is absurd. The most important is the way we go. There will always be someone in front of us, and always someone behind. Counting and comparing how many times someone has done Ayahuasca as some (spiritual or other kind) achievement / advantage is even more meaningless.

Sometimes people ask why ceremonies are not held every night. Our experience shows that the vast majority of people can not support the ceremony even two nights in a row. In addition, if you enter the healing process, then participating in the ceremonies night after night you do not win, but you can lose. The chance to complete the process that began during the ceremony may be missed and you will not have time to integrate what you learned. It is important to learn how to feel and to allow the process that has begun to come to an end. When you are in the diet process, the plants you take will also support your work.

All people are different and will go through their deeply personal experiences. Not a single Ayahuasca ceremony is ever repeated, and even the most experienced traveler cannot predict the direction in which their visions will take place, although it often seems that there is a certain “course” (in an educational sense!) when a series of ceremonies is being considered.

It is impossible to outline exactly what will happen to you in your personal inner journeys.

What is required from participants in Ayahuasca ceremonies

In order to be able to get more health (Light, Love, Happiness, Peace), you need to let go of what makes you sick through the cleansing process. Your contribution to the work is very simple, but it requires focus, dedication and patience. One of the contributions is the Diet process. This does not mean just refrain from eating certain foods. The process includes taking medicinal plants that support your process, with a conscious intention to work out a question / problem, and a real willingness to perceive what is opening, letting go old perception.

At the initial stage, Curandero (the shaman) will guide you through this process, explaining the rules to you. After sufficient cleansing, you can begin to perceive the "message" directly. Often, people cannot fulfill the first rule: abstinence from certain foods. If you want to get results (purification and visions), you need to make an effort on yourself and not eat salt and sugar, hot spices, fat, alcohol, dairy products and red meat. Also, do not have sex for a week or two. Respecting the rules, you not only cleanse and heal your body, but also demonstrate the determination that you are committed to serious work.

It is also important to carry out this work in a calm, peaceful environment, with minimal distractions (irritants) - without TV or radio, without work, without the Internet, and with minimal contact with other people. This way you can go deeper into this process. In the process, you become more open to the energies of other people and isolation is necessary to avoid connecting to them and absorbing their energies (preferably in the jungle, where the plants you work with grow). Otherwise, it will mean that you have to go back and go through the process of purification again and again.

Another issue, that for many people hard to understand. They think that by absorbing other people's problems and taking them upon themselves, they will help and support the other person. What they do is noble, but unnecessary actions. Everyone must go through their own process and learn, or they will continue to return to it in the future. Curanderos have been trained for many years to do this job, and they know how to stay unaffected and protect others.

All the details are important in the Ayahuasca ceremony

Most people have forgotten, lost their connection with their Nature, with the world of subtle sensations (energies, spirit). That is why a shaman, a curanderos, is needed to allow Ayavaska to reach people and help them. The same goes for other plants. It is believed that curanderos can reach both worlds; and that is why training is so important; and that is why some rituals are so important; and that is why they give you so many tests during training; and that is why preparing Ayahuasca on your own is not the same; and that is why Icaros differ when they are sung in a live curandero during healing, rather than as playing back a recording on a player. To get into that world is a long process where you must do your part of the work.

That is why all the elements are so important during healing. It is a peaceful, calm, safe and healing environment and atmosphere. Safety and comfort are important on a physical and spiritual level. Safety is also one of the reasons why all medicines are prepared by experienced shamans. Not just Ayahuasca. In true natural medicine, there is much more than just adding and preparing plants using a specific technology. The preparation process, intentions and energy of the person who prepares and conducts the process are the same.
The role of the Shaman in Ayahuasca ceremonies

It is also very important to understand what the role of the Maestro is. Simply put, these are people from the Peruvian Amazon - shamans, healers. You should not expect that the Maestro is a spiritual guru, they are not. Although they connect different worlds, and possess the knowledge and wisdom of plant spirits and medicines, they are still normal people, they simply fulfill their role, which to Westerners may seem very unusual, is acceptable in the context of the inhabitants of the Amazon tropics. They enjoy what they do and are very happy to work with you. Their motivation is to heal and teach, transfer knowledge where possible. They are all kind, warm and compassionate people - but please do not expect to receive answers akin to Buddha or Jesus - this is not their role! Plants may be able to lead you to your own metaphysical conclusions: they certainly can help you transform spiritually and achieve better physical health. But the results ultimately depend on you, and your intentions.

Dmt The Spirit Molecule - Trailer
The Most Famous Documentory Film about psychedelic experience, Dmt, ayahuasca. One of the most famous visionary artist Alex Grey, writer Graham Hancock, MD Christian Meuli, psychiatrist MD Rick Strassman, etnopharmacologist phd Dennis McKenna, behavior pharmacologist phd Roland Greffiths, mathematician phd Ralph Abraham and many others share their knowledge about DMT, altered states of conciousness and other revelations.

Ayahuasca Tours and Retreats

Ayahuasca Tours and Retreats

You can choose: come to us at any time and for any period of time or take part in special Ayahuasca retreats held according to a specific program on specified dates.

Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Video, reviews and testimonials of the Guests of our Center about the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, the Shamanic Diet, the Work of the Maestro and the experience of immersion in the amazing world of Amazonian natural medicine.

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About Our Center

Our center is located among the wild, vibrant and beautiful Amazonian forest, in the soft atmosphere of the jungle, filled with unique songs of local birds, in a private, protected area.

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