
Shamanism - a holistic view to the Human, World and all Life

Shamans are filled with wisdom through countless lessons of nature and a state of oneness with the universe. They are not afraid of anything because they have already looked into the face of death and have gained a wider understanding of reality.

Shamans derive their power from direct contact with the spirit. In the process of working with people, they get in touch with these spirits of nature and ask for the healing of the human body and soul.

Peruvian shamans claim that plants have intelligence and the ability to influence people, situations, and circumstances. Very often, they use the plant not as a medicine, but as a harmonizer of vital energy.

During the ceremony, shamans-kurandero sing ethereal melodies of icaros, opening acoustic windows into the World of Spirit around us, and the flow of healing energy and sacred wisdom of many generations of the Ayahuaskero tribe and the shaman, who leads the ceremony, fill the participants of the ceremony.

Working with Roots - healing the Whole

In ancient medicine of Hippocrates, the patient was called "asthenis", that is, a person who lacked strength, vitality; and the doctor was called "iatros" which means a healer who restores the "sthenos" or vital energy in a person.

Traditional medicine has moved away from this model to the pathology of life, bypassing the source of health, which is vital energy, manifested as pleasure, joy and love. Life is directly related to how energy flows or blocks, in the latter, in essence, creating a problem or struggle.

Onanya (Shaman Master Healer Shipibo) works directly with energy; identifying where are blocks / blockages, where is excess energy, and where is no energy. They diagnose where are negative, dense energies within you and work, guided by the spirits of plants, to cleanse and renew the body of these energies.

Negative energy is not native to our bodies and controls what and how we think, how we perceive ourselves and how we live and perceive our life. This blocks the flow of positive energy, affecting our ability to truly connect not only with ourselves, but also with others, and inhibits us from reaching our true potential and living a full life.

Working with Ayahuasca, with the Master plants and with the shaman, helps us to clean these negative energies in our body; then we are directed to internal integration, self-awareness and self-direction. From this, we are able to independently build the right relationships with the people around us and are able to listen more with our hearts, not our minds.

Icaros - natural medicine that heals from the inside

Onanya's main approach is to remove negative energies through energetic (vibrational) medicine, which is expressed in the form of songs - Icaros. Sound is a form of energy frequency (vibration) through which interaction and healing can occur. Everything in the physical existence has a molecular structure that vibrates, and resonance can be heard through these vibrations. Pythagoras, who was the father of the musical scale, "recognized that music is an expression of Harmony - a divine principle that brings order to chaos and contention." Traditionally, sound has been used for healing in many cultures. Throughout the history of the indigenous tribes of South America, plant songs have been an integral part of the healing process.

Onaniya says that all plants have their own songs and these songs - Icaros, teach the healer during the Diet process (long periods of time in isolation, following strict dietary conditions, carried out in order to obtain healing energy and wisdom of the plants).

Each master plant has its own song, which is transmitted to the student. The student performs numerous Diets during training, which usually lasts for at least 4 years, and then continues Plant Diets throughout life. These healing Icaros - PuroSonido (pure sound - vibration) plants - form the basis of energy work during ceremonies. Icaros songs work in combination and cooperation with Ayahuasca to clean negative energies, and also fill the body with healing energies of plants.

Icaros, given during the ceremony, become an ally, working in close contact with each participant for a longer period of time in order to achieve a gradual transformation. They can be seen as “seeds of change” that are sown in the system of each participant who comes to the center, and which then grow over time into trees; supporting us, taking root in the earth, forking our life outward, uniting and connecting us with the holiness of all that is around us.

Plants are our most natural healers and guides

Plants are the most affordable way to healing that we have on the planet. Shamans have the opportunity to communicate and work in close contact with living, conscious, intelligent plant spirits in order to conduct deep healing. Due to the vibrational qualities of light and sound and a high level of consciousness of plants, their ability to communicate and heal is much higher than any other life form, including a person with an ordinary level of consciousness.

The practice of healing with the Spirit of plants is suitable for everyone, and it is Onanya who can guide us so that we can again establish contact with plants and remember the heritage of wisdom that is stored in the plant kingdom. The ability of Plant Spirits to maintain balance and harmony, inside and outside, is a gift from which everyone can benefit personally and ultimately all of us will benefit!

Connection with the Spirit of Plants - connection with the Source of Life itself

Over the past forty years, there has been a steady increase of the interest to  traditional cultures of indigenous peoples, which interact with the invisible forces of nature and spiritual beings. This fascination with what is called shamanism, taking place in the Western world, is a response to our starvation of the spirit, which longs for a connection with the larger web of Life and the meaning that comes from this connection. This movement to the spirit is perhaps evolutionary, or maybe it is just a return to our nature.

The connection with the Spirit of Plants is a way of life, as well as what heals, because it helps us to fully become who we are, to live in accordance with our own true nature, following the path that we are destined to go. To learn our own true nature and live accordingly, it may take a journey long into Life. Plants are our companions for life, to guide, heal and help us on our journey. They will also assist in matters of intention and humility, reminding us that ultimately we are in the ministry of the holiness of all Life.

Plants have direct access to the energy of the Source, and it is this energy that causes and performs healing. This energy source is very powerful and requires a container that can handle its size and dynamics. The container in the form of our body should be free from obstructions and barriers, and it should also be able to conduct huge spiritual energy that passes through the body, while we work with plant spirits. In the West, we already realize the need to strengthen our bodies - physical vessels - through exercise, breathing, and working with the body, while eating good organic food and drinking pure water. However, we lack the understanding that we also need to “clean up” internally; freeing the shelves of our psyche from worn out unnecessary beliefs, old models and beliefs, negative thought processes and unreasonable fears.

Return to who you are

When working with Plant Spirits, we focus on the energy body and on the support of man that he could be a true self, embodying his own true nature. We turn to the source of the disease, and not just deal with the symptoms. Symptoms are pointers to be used as guidelines, but they are not a disease. There may be many manifestations of a disease in a person, but they all come from the same source - disturbances in his energy body. When we are at odds with ourselves or not living in accordance with our own true nature, energy becomes contradictory, causing misalignment or vulnerability. Plant spirits can fill us with everything we need to live in accordance with our own true nature, following the path destined for us. It is not about achieving perfection or perfect health - it is about becoming completely who you are. Everything that does not serve us, while we become who we really are, disappears and the plants work to bring us into equilibrium with ourselves in the most complete way.

Plants have an Intelligence

Do plants have intelligence? This issue was actively studied by Cleve Bexter, a scientist who was engaged in research in such areas as interrogation technologies and taught police officers how to use a lie detector.

One day, Bexter decided to attach the electrodes of a lie detector to a dracaena leaf in order to check how sensitive this device was. He was not sure that the plant was capable of reacting at all, but suddenly it occurred to him that some effect could be achieved by burning a leaf to which electrodes were attached. Before he could think about it, a particularly high peak was recorded on the diagram of the lie detector. It was very much like a fear reaction.

Intrigued by this experience, Bexter continued his research, setting up a similar experiment on almost thirty different plants: he attached electrodes to them, and then thought about any action that he could perform with this plant. Each time he received the same results: the plants always reacted before the action was completed! All this gave Bexter the opportunity to assume that plants are not only as sensitive as people (or even more), but also capable of perceiving emotions and intentions, since there is a certain psychological connection between plants and people.

In the course of further research, Bexter came to the conclusion that plants respond not only to threats, but also to the presence of movement in the space surrounding them. In particular, he demonstrated to a scientific group from Yale University that the movement of a spider in a room with a plant led to changes in the diagram of the lie detector to which this plant was connected. Moreover, the flower had a sense of foresight of the future, as he sensed the insect's intention even before its movement began. “The plant was able to catch the spider’s solution,” Bexter said. “Apparently, they (the plants) are somehow connected with the life of the animals.

Further studies by Bexter show that plants have memory, emotions and psychic abilities, and their reactions are very similar to human ones. In one of the research experiments, one in six students should be “cracking down” on the experimental plant, next to which there was another silent witness - another plant. Bexter attached a lie detector to one of his leaves and asked all students to walk past him. When the student who was responsible for the death of the plant appeared, the needle of the detector went beyond the bounds of the diagram.

In another experiment (much more humane), Bexter demonstrated that there is love and empathy between the plant and its owner. One day, he accidentally injured his finger and noticed that the plant being monitored for no apparent reason showed a stressful reaction, as if it felt Bexter’s pain or was shocked by the sight of his blood. At a later time, a few blocks from the laboratory, Baxter sent positive thoughts to his plant. On the graph of the lie detector was clearly captured the moment when the plant caught his attitude.

After many experiments, it was obvious to Baxter that the interaction between a plant and a person takes place outside the electromagnetic spectrum.

The mystic energy through which we communicate with plants is our love and our intention. This is the essence of the universe. "A human is able to communicate with plants, and we do it every day. Plants radiate energies that are beneficial for a person. A person can feel their strength! They support a person’s energy field, which returns energy back to the plant!

Many shamans claim that ayahuasca - the creeper of the soul - is a very sensitive plant, and in order to use it, the shaman must adhere to a special diet during which certain foods must be discarded, otherwise the plant will be “jealous” and confront. Deep respect for the personality of the plant is the main condition for mystical experience.

Plants respond to our love, and love makes their energy move. The healing power of the universe itself is love, and plants are the key to it, so that we can touch the greatest source of power in order to gain emotional and physical well-being.

Nature and plants can give us everything we need, protecting us and maintaining our health. You can learn this from your own experience!

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Ayahuasca Tours and Retreats

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Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Video, reviews and testimonials of the Guests of our Center about the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, the Shamanic Diet, the Work of the Maestro and the experience of immersion in the amazing world of Amazonian natural medicine.

Shamans of our Center

Shamans of our Center

Among the hundreds of local shamans of Peru, we have chosen and work only with selected ones who meet our requirements: comprehensive extensive experience, talent, deep conscious communication with the spirit world and professional honesty.

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