Testimonial Reviews from Guests of our Center

Feedback from a Guest from Canada about Ayahuasca Ceremonies and stay at the Shaman Center

Feedback from a Guest from Canada about Ayahuasca Ceremonies and stay at the Shaman Center

Feedback about your stay in the shamanic Center, about how the ceremonies are held, about the work of the Maestro in the Center, about your feelings during the ceremonies and about your impressions.

Ben Shinan is a wonderful new vision, a combination of harmony and a school of preparing people for spiritual life. The space is located in the jungle just under 20 km from Iquitos. Beautiful flora and fauna, incredibly designed ceremony/maloka space, common areas and various tambos, all fed and protected by a small river that runs around the area. The Maestro and his family have tended to this space from the very beginning as the famous Anaconda Cosmica and have given it new life in the arms of an expanding new vision of world upliftment. The healers who are brought here are respected people in Ketsenbets's narrow circles of trust. Coming to Bena Shinan is a gift you give yourself, but stepping into that vision is a gift you give to the world.

Many blessings on your Path!


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