Testimonial Reviews from Guests of our Center

Review of the amazing experience with Ayavaska, Ceremonies and the Process of cognition, Ivan

Review of the amazing experience with Ayavaska, Ceremonies and the Process of cognition, Ivan

Life revealed itself in its Love and Beauty in Ayahuasca Ceremonies. What you should pay attention to in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, what Ayahuasca does, what is the role of the Shaman and what can be revealed through the Ayahuasca Ceremonies

How Ayahuasca works, how to prepare, what you need to focus on.

To begin with, firat time I heard about Ayahuasca Ceremonies back in 2010. My friends and my girlfriend went to the shaman center several times in Peru, so I began to get acquainted with this tool.

At the same time, I opened the world through various other tools - techniques, practices, healing, awareness, presence. Over many years of acquaintance with Ayavasca, I learned a lot about the Shaman Centers in Peru, and when the time came for my trip, I knew how to choose the best and most suitable for me.

Thus, the “path” to Ayahuasca took for me around 8 years, in which I see a deep meaning and wisdom. The choice fell on the Peruvian Shelter Center.

Firstly, from the household point of view, everything is thought out, comfortable and safe. There was guests from around the world and facilitators and interpreters from russian, english, spanish and french, so it was comfortable, although there was no special need for communication and contacts. Accommodation - in houses with a shower and toilet, meals 2-3 times a day, depending on whether you take Ayahuasca in the evening or not. The quality of the hotel(if its applicable) is 2-3 stars. And this despite the fact that the Center is located in the Jungle! There is the opportunity to retire, be with yourself and connect with nature.

One of the most important thing is the purity of the Ceremonies and the Mastery of Shamans. All Shamans are from Shibibo, and from time to time they change, which provides dedication and the ability to choose the best. There were 3 Maestro at the Ceremonies at once, and each of them contributed his part to the Ceremony and work.

The process of the ceremony takes place in several waves (stages). After taking Ayahuasca, you are immersed in yourself. During this period, a person begins to get acquainted with the dense layers of his mind. After a while, the Maestro begins to sing Icaros, and individually work with each participant. In total, this can last 4-5 hours, although the ceremony can actively continue for 8-9 hours (I had it).

What you should pay attention to during the ceremony

Feel yourself, your body and be extremely attentive to the current moment, do not plunge (do not run away) into thoughts, memories, emotions and feelings.

Ayavaska will not do your work for you! It reveals your current aspirations, desires, perceptions of the world and orientation. As a rule, there is a deep immersion in what is valuable to you and you have the opportunity to examine everything in detail and see the true value of everything.

As control dissolves, the activity of the Mind increases and during a short time you meet a huge array of visual impressions. If there is a resonance with a certain phenomenon, then you plunge into it and observe (live through) what is inside you.

What Ayahuasca does and what does not

I am familiar with more than a dozen Ayahuasca practitioners who's gone from more than 100 ceremonies. But each of them still has blind spots and does not see the many restrictions that are present in their lives.

Ayavaska will show you where your perception of the world is illusory and what reality really is, only if you are ready and want it! You need to be ready to let go of everything artificial - principles, knowledge, attitudes, illusions, opinions, visions, etc.
The best intention is to have no intentions and expectations. Then Life through Ayahuasca will be revealed in the best way for you.

In practice, not many people succeed, and it is not a matter of the number of ceremonies, but the internal willingness to let go of all the most valuable in Life.

Most people come with a “set of knowledge, visions, concepts” and other good and of course this good is accompanied by all sorts of conditions, impressions, emotions, etc. Ayavasca will allow you to deeply immerse yourself in the topics that are most relevant to you at the moment, and if you are ready to consider what reality is real in these matters. However, if you are 100% convinced of something, then this question is unlikely to be considered by you, and even if Medicine shows it to you, you will not even notice what it points to ...

The role of the Maestro in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, in the disclosure of Self and the perception of Life

A lot is said about the importance of the Maestro, his skill and experience. And in a certain sense it is. As, for example, a taxi driver must possess a number of skills in order to deliver you safe and sound to your destination, so a shaman should know his job very well in order to enable you to reveal Yourself. However, you and only you indicate the destination, and no one in this world can do this for you. An important point is that you will need to do part of the path alone by yourself.

It is imperative to start studying Yourself in advance. If you expect miracles from the Ceremonies, then you need to be prepared for it. If you run away from yourself all your life, suppressed your feelings and lived “as it should”, instead of letting Life manifest itself from the necessity of the present moment - be prepared to meet all the suppressed and hidden - this should be released. Sooner or later, all these blockages will have to be dismantled and it is better and more pleasant to do it consciously.

What can be revealed and seen during the Ayahuasca Ceremonies
First of all, the descriptions below do not convey even a 1000th part of what was perceived / lived / felt and words are extremely not enough to do it.

Despite the fact that these were my first ceremonies, Life struck me with its beauty and depth.

The first thing that came to light was the amazing “humor” of Life. All the most “serious” seems to me nothing more than a joke. And just as a person full of his own significance can react to jokes addressed to him, so we, reacting sharply, do not always notice the gifts brought to us by Life.

We are the One consciousness - Alive - Indivisible - Penetrating literally everything. It can be called Love, God, but it has nothing to do with “human concepts”. You literally feel like this, and perceive this way flowers, trees, earth, space are One and you are that. The body is no longer “yours”, and you just inhabit it - the perception of everything is “drawing” attention to it at that moment.

There is no death and there cannot be one. What you are cannot die. So it is perceived and there are no other options.

Life is an orgasmic pleasure without stopping. From the simplest action. And there can be no break, because time does not exist. Only One constant moment Now.

Life = Is = Love. And there is nothing more in this world. You see how everything consists of living intelligent Light, there are no rigid forms, the usual perception changes to “three-dimensional”, the ordinary look always sees only a two-dimensional picture, which our mind then completes through the imagination. When the activity of the mind is suspended, perception through Mind turns on, and everything appears to be completely different ...

These are just some of the points that I share, although a lot of other things were revealed and the main thing is that the process launched some time ago continues to operate and unfold with new depth and beauty every day. And this every day is filled with joy and happiness, sometimes in the way I would never have expected.

I will never be the same person I was before ...



If you want to get more of what I've experinced and how to get there - send a quiery through this website with the remark "to Ivan" and I will answer )

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