
Master Plants Diet and Ayahuasca Ceremonies Retreat

Duration: 10 / 12 / 14 night

You will spend unforgettable 10 - 14 nights at the Center of Natural Medicine in the Amazon, experiencing the healing power of nature in Ayahuasca Ceremonies and the benefits of cleansing with Master Plant Diet.
Shamanic Center - Guesthouse

1 day
Pucallpa - Ayahuasca Shamanic Center

Arrival to Pucallpa. Meeting at the airport. Transfer to the Center of Shamanism. Accommodation, time to calm down and the first Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Maloka for Ayahuasca ceremonies

2 day
Pucallpa - Amazon Ride - Dolphin Watching

On the day when there is no Ayahuasca ceremony we can visit Pucallpa. By renting a boat (not included in the price) we drive to the place where we might meet the Dolphins.
Maloka for Ayahuasca ceremonies

3 day
Meeting with the Shaman - Walking in the jungle - Ayahuasca Ceremony

After breakfast, you will meet with the Shaman-Maestro to discuss issues / tasks and get prescription of herbal medicine.
After lunch, you can walk around the center and surrounding area.
Preparing for the Ceremony and at 20:00 Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Amazon lagoon

4 day
Swimming in the lagoon - Herbal Treatment - Ayahuasca Ceremony

After breakfast and a 15-minute walk, we will get to a small beach where we can swim and  sunbathe.
After lunch, we can get the traditional procedure for cleaning the sinuses of the nose and eyes, as well as washing with specially prepared infusion of flowers and herbs.
Walter Garcia - Maestro Shaman Peru

5 day
Meeting with Shaman - Massage - Herbal Medicine - Ayahuasca

After breakfast, there is a meeting with the Shaman, where you can discuss your experience of the Ceremonies, receive answers to questions that remain. After lunch, a massage / body treatment (not included). Taking your specially prepared herbal drink.
At 20:00 - the beginning of the Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Beach in the local Zoo - Iquitos - questacocha

6 day
Excursion to the waterfalls

On a free day, we can go on an excursion to the amazing waterfalls, where you can swim in the lagoon, admire the mountain scenery and enjoy a walk along a tributary of the Amazon.

Monkey Island - Iquitos - Peru

7 day
Butterfly Farm - Monkey's Island - Local Village - Dolphins

In a ceremony free day, we can go to a tour around the Amazon and visit the Pilpintuwasi butterfly farm, the Yahua tribe, the island of monkeys, meet freshwater Dolphins and swim in the Amazon. 
At 20:00 - the beginning of the Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Amazon Jungle - Iquitos - Peru

8 day
Jungle Walk - Flower Baths - Ayahuasca Ceremony

After breakfast, you can take a walk and enjoy the local flora and fauna, amazingly beautiful jungle with streams and lagoons.
After lunch, herbal treatment, flower bath (bathing with infusion of herbs and flowers).
At 20:00 - the beginning of the Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Sand quarries - Iquitos Peru

9 day
Plant Therapies - Having a rest - Walking to Sand Quarries

After breakfast, traditional eye and nose cleansing procedures with herbal tinctures of Amazonian plants await you.
After lunch, you can stroll through the sand pits, meet local Owls there and enjoy the sunset.
Ayahuasca Ceremony House - Maloka - Peru - Iquitos

10 day
Meeting with the Shaman - Plant Therapies - Ayahuasca Ceremony

After breakfast, we will talk with the shaman, we will receive recommendations on how to better and more efficiently integrate and apply the experience gained in the ceremonies.
After lunch, plant therapies such as repote sinus flush, eye cleanse.
At 20:00 - the beginning of the final Ayahuasca Ceremony.
Iquitos Airport - Peru

11 day
Departure from the Center - flight to Lima

After breakfast, depending on the time of your flight, transfer to the airport. Flight to Lima and flight home.

The total cost for 1 person

10 night = 1649 / 12 night = 1849 / 14 night = 2049
  • 4 Ayahuasca ceremonies per week
  • Two/three time a week, meeting with the Maestro
  • Accommodation in a standard room (shared with 1 other guest)
  • Diet food
  • Amazonian plant therapies
  • Expert translation from experienced western facilitators (English, Russian, Spanish) ​
  • Transfer from / to Pucallpa Airport to the Center and back
  • International flight to Lima and to Pucallpa, Peru
  • Insurance
  • High-speed 4G chip for your phone
  • Day trips to Pucallpa, Waterfall, River Tours and other adventures

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