Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Peru

Center for Natural Medicine and Shamanism


Professional Shamanic Ayahuasca Ceremonies

We organize shamanic tours with ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru. Individual approach, attentive and caring staff, comfortable and safe atmosphere, ayahuasca ceremonies 4 times a week, diet food and staying in a calm and peaceful environment on the territory of a traditional Peruvian healing center.

Since we started our work, hundreds of guests from all over the world have visited us to experience our authentic ayahuasca ceremonies, which are designed to help people understand themselves, resolve personal issues and challenges, making life more conscious, joyful and happy.

You will get a powerful experience of healing and restoration by nature itself, cleanse yourself of everyday worries and negativity, become stronger and wiser, and professional experienced maestro shamans and a group of assistants will help you go through the experience of transformation gently and with care.

Introducing to Ayahuasca Healing

Introducing to Ayahuasca Healing
A retreat for those who first touch the mystery of the Ayahuasca Ceremonies and who need to discover their true aspirations and potential.

An excellent opportunity to get to know the world of Ayahuasca, plant medicine and Peruvian Shamanism in the natural atmosphere of the Amazon jungle.

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • 4 Ayahuasca ceremonies 
  • Amazonian herbs treatments
  • Consultations with Maestro and facilitators of the center
  • Dieta-friendly meals 
Cost: 1399 USD

Amazon Plants Diet Retreat

Amazon Plants Diet Retreat
A retreat for those who wish to dive deeper into the secrets of their mind and subconscious and reveal the main obstacles that are holding you back in moving through Life.

Deep intensive work - healing - cleansing with the support of professional Maestros, experienced assistants and the traditional shamanic diet with Amazonian plants.

  • 12 nights accommodation
  • Dieta-friendly meals
  • Personalized diagnosis and amazonian plant dieta treatment ​
  • 7 Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Cost: 2099 USD

Deep Immersion and Healing

Deep Immersion and Healing

This Retreat - Immersion in Ayahuasca Ceremony and Deep Healing Amazonian Diet. To work out root issues and healing. To reveal the depths of your subconscious, your strengths, abilities and study of Life as it is.

A retreat that will help you radically change your Life, deal with problems that have haunted you for years, change your perception of reality and begin to see Life in its amazing depth and fullness, without the limitations of the mind.

  • 21 days / 15 ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Individual work and adaptation for each guest
  • Regular consultations with Shamans and experienced practitioners
  • Treatments with Amazon plants

Cost: 3199 USD

Shamans role in Ayahuasca Ceremony

The role of the shaman in ayahuasca ceremonies is often surrounded by various conjectures. When considering this issue, it should be remembered that the ceremony includes many elements, and the shaman has/performs his/her position/function/role in this act.
The function of the shaman is to create an environment/atmosphere in which healing occurs easily and freely. But the shaman should not interfere in your life path, do the work for you of studying, reviewing and extracting experience from the situation, even if he knows and sees it as "correct".
This, in fact, is the difference and level of a shaman: to remain neutral and impartial, instead of personal attempts to change a person or influence a situation.
A real shaman understands his role as a conductor of Life, whose paths are inscrutable, and which realizes its own "idea" for each person.

About the Center

About the Center

Our center is located among the wild, vibrant and beautiful Amazonian forest, in the soft atmosphere of the jungle, filled with unique songs of local birds, in a private, protected area.

Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Testimonial Reviews from our Guests

Video, reviews and testimonials of the Guests of our Center about the Ayahuasca Ceremonies, the Shamanic Diet, the Work of the Maestro and the experience of immersion in the amazing world of Amazonian natural medicine.

Shamans of our Center

Shamans of our Center

Among the hundreds of local shamans of Peru, we have chosen and work only with selected ones who meet our requirements: comprehensive extensive experience, talent, deep conscious communication with the spirit world and professional honesty.

What is Ayahuasca

What is Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca is a unique tool for awakening and revealing the essence of Life. Ayahuasca shows each guest the most important thing that one is ready to perceive.

Healing with Ayahuasca

Healing with Ayahuasca
The ceremonies provide a safe, secure, and comfortable atmosphere where shamans guide the healing process with Ayahuasca.

Modern Shamanizm

Modern Shamanizm
Shamans are filled with wisdom through countless lessons of nature and a state of oneness with the universe. They are not afraid of anything because they have already looked into the face of death and have gained a wider understanding of reality.

Master Plant Diet

Master Plant Diet
Master Plant Diet - In the context of Amazonian curanderos shamans, it is a process of physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing, healing, and education.
Preparation for Ayahuasca Ceremonies
We encourage our you to start adjusting your diet at least two weeks before the retreat yet the sooner the better.  This will clean and prepare your body to enable you to have a deeper and more profound experience with Ayahuasca.
Medical indications
It is necessary that you let us know, in confidence, any known medical conditions and/or use of any medication, at the time of booking.
Planning a trip to Peru

There are many opportunities for individual tours throughout Peru. It may be a visitiing well-known Cuzco, Machu Picchu, the Nazca plateau, Lake Titicacca and other beautiful and amazing places, combined with a stay in the Center according to your schedule and available time.
Please contact us and we will plan your perfect trip to Peru.

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